1:1 Nutrition Coaching

Learn what your body needs to achieve your goals

Without giving up carbs, desserts, and the foods that you love!

Be the person who can enjoy special events, vacations, and weekend activities while CRUSHING goals!

Is This You?

♦︎ You’ve tried everything out there, but nothing is working for you, or it is just too hard to stick to in the long run.

♦︎ You’ve lost weight before, gained it back, lost it again, and have continued this trend for years.

♦︎ You’ve been dieting since you were a teenager, but still can’t figure out what you “should” or “shouldn’t” do to get to your goals.

♦︎ You’re confused with ALL of the information out there and don’t know what to believe. — EX: Cut carbs, cut fats, cut sugar, cut EVERYTHING… (Hint: None of these will help you in the long run and they’re DEFINITELY not sustainable ;))

♦︎ If you have cake, cookies, dessert, you feel as though you need to eat as many as you can right now and then “start over” on your “diet” tomorrow.

♦︎ You label foods as “good” and “bad”.

♦︎ You’re finally ready to stop looking for the quick fixes and start looking at what you need to do NOW to help you get to your goals and maintain them in the long run.  

What if…

✚ You could go on vacation and still enjoy the food and drinks without sabotaging your goals?

✚ You can reach your goals without saying “no” to weekend outings, birthday cake, and holiday treats?

✚ You could approach any situation with a plan to help you succeed so you can crush your goals in any situation?

✚ You can look at food as FUEL instead of labeling it as “good” and “bad"?

✚ You can reach your goals and MAINTAIN them in the long run?

✚ You can FEEL good while getting to these goals and not to do so by cutting out food groups, eating little to nothing each day, or doing an insane amount of cardio?

 1:1 Nutrition Coaching is PERFECT for:

✔️ Someone who is DONE with the “quick fixes”, “detoxes”, and diets that cut out complete food groups and is ready to make long-lasting sustainable changes to get to their goals!

✔️ Someone who is looking for accountability, answers, and a program that is catered to YOU and YOUR needs!

✔️ Someone who wants to be coached by a REAL human who has been in YOUR shoes and can help you navigate any situation/phase of life that you are going through!

✔️ Someone who is ready to put THEMSELVES as a priority so they can become the BEST version that they can possibly be!

✔️ Someone who DOESN’T want to give up desserts, birthday cake, meals out, or miss out on any LIFE experience just because they’re on a “diet”.

Hey!! Jayne Smith here! — BS: Exercise Science - Precision Nutrition L1 Certified Coach + NCI Hormone Specialist.

I have been a Nutrition Coach for 5+ years and have been a strength coach for 8+ years. Before that, I was a competitive gymnast from the age of 6 until I retired in college at 22. From there, I discovered Crossfit, then the sport of Olympic Weightlifting, and more recently learning to train/workout for Life!

I have been in the world of nutrition and fitness my entire life and have also been in YOUR shoes when it comes to trying to understand nutrition, what actually “works”, and how to attain and maintain my goal in the long run!

Being in the sport of gymnastics, food, body weight, and body image were talked about daily. It was hard at times, but it also made me more curious about nutrition and I always wanted to learn more about how to fuel my body for my sport.

When I went to college, this is when I REALLY struggled with my weight. I put on a total of 30lbs and tried EVERYTHING to get it off. I went through all of the yo-yo diets where I would lose weight, gain it back, lose it again, and continued this cycle for 4 years. I wanted to do ALL of the quick fixes and detoxes to get there and I had NO idea that this was doing WAY more harm to my body than good.

When I graduated and found Crossfit, I finally committed to dropping the “quick fix” mindset and decided that I would be in this for the long haul no matter how long it took. I decided to hide the scale, only take progress photos, and just eat foods that made me FEEL good and fueled me for each day.

I didn’t starve myself, I didn’t say NO to certain foods/desserts, but I made small changes daily, found balance, and the hard work started paying off.

Before I knew it, these small changes became habits, I was focusing more on getting stronger in the gym instead of just “losing weight”, and over the course of 2 years, I was able to lose the 30lbs that I had gained in college. I might have lost the weight a little sooner than 2 years, but I didn’t step on the scale before then since that wasn’t my main focus.

When you commit to the long haul, BIG changes start happening both physically and mentally!

If you are ready to commit to the long run and FINALLY achieve your goals, then 1:1 Nutrition Coaching is for YOU!

 How It Works:

🔅 You will fill out a detailed questionnaire going over your past dieting history, where you are currently, your goals, activity level, etc.

🔅 You will then receive a plan from your coach that is suited to YOU including detailed information about how you will get started and how you will be progressed to your goals.

🔅 You will have Weekly Check ins with your Coach through a Software/App where you provide biofeedback (nutrition, sleep, hunger levels, stress levels, & MUCH more) from your week, go over your goals, and talk about and questions/concerns that you might have. From there, your coach will make adjustments as needed based on this feedback so that you’re always heading in the right direction toward your goals.

🔅 You will be able to message/voice memo/send a video to your coach in between check ins in case you have any questions, concerns, or last minute events that you need help with.

🔅 You will have access to a resource library full of infographics, tutorials, and tips to help you succeed on your journey!

Here’s what our Clients have to say…

Megan W.

I have THOROUGHLY enjoyed working with you and I cannot wait to use your guidance again during my next postpartum journey! You have truly been a blessing to my confidence, and achieving the body I always wanted and never thought I would have. So many times I'd walk by the mirror and think, "I just can't believe that's me!" I was able to confidently travel and take anniversary trips knowing I didn't have to lose my fitness progress. Now going through my 3rd pregnancy, I am healthier than I ever was with my first two! So, thank you! <3


Sella B.

I'm so happy! Not only is my body shaping up but my entire mentality has changed regarding food and I think that's the biggest win. Because I am more knowledgeable, I feel less guilt when I eat something "bad" or if I'm on vacation-I know how to handle myself and then get right back to it! If you are on the fence about joining, JUST DO IT! It's not just for vanity but a whole mindset change!

Holly S.

If you are on the fence about joining, having a coach to discuss your desires and goals makes reaching them easier, and you are accountable to someone. Because I started using a coach, I now understand the importance of being intentional in my food choices. I also understand fats, carbs and protein are all good for me. My body uses each one to function at its best.


Paula H.

After working with JS Coaching for about 11 months, I feel like I have the guidance I’m looking for. I’m starting to realize that I don’t have to be perfect all the time. My coach is very patient and understanding and helps me work through the ups and downs without ever judging or shaming me. If you are on the fence about joining, just go for it! Even if you’re not used to tracking your macros, your coach will help you and will be very patient. They have a lot of great ideas that will help you along the way. It’ll all be worth it when you start seeing the results. Just remember, you don’t have to be perfect 100% of the time!

Elizabeth H.

After working with JS Coaching for over 3 years now, I am really confident in my abilities with eating and being in my skin. I still have some struggles when it comes to body image, but most days I do love the skin I am in because of the work my coach and I have done together. If you are on the fence about joining, just absolutely do it. It is worth every penny you would pay. Your health is the most important thing and everything else in life is greatly impacted by your health.


Sarah H.

Before working with JS Coaching, I tried everything. Challenge, detoxes, more cardio, eating less... I was always looking for the “quick fix” that ultimately would end with me right back where I started. Confused, frustrated, and defeated. I finally decided to commit to the long haul and learn about how to FUEL my body instead of always trying to eat less. I am so grateful to have found this way of eating and can honestly say that I can look at food as something that is going to HELP me get to my goals and allow me to feel my best instead of looking at it as the enemy. I don’t know where I would be today if I didn’t take the leap of faith to work with JS Coaching! If you are on the fence about joining, think about how much time you’ve wasted trying to figure it out on your own when you could be investing in someone who can help you find what works best for you!

Let’s Take Action!